
View New Tenders

Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories

  1. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories,NEW DELHI 08.02.2022

    Appointment of Independent Engineer for monitoring processing unit for production through CPS method  Appointment of independent engineer for monitoring the works of the processing unit for production of alkaloids from the opium poppy crop through the CPS method
    RFP for onboarding of a MSP  RFP for onboarding of a MSP for conducting GIS and Satellite Survey and Implementation of GIS and image processing platform for monitoring of Opium Cultivation in Central Bureau of Narcotics
    Minutes of pre-bid online meeting for appointment of Independent Engineer Minutes of the pre-bid online meeting held at CCF office, New Delhi held on 28.11.2024  
    Tender for appointment of Independent Engineer Tender for Appointment of Independent Engineer for Monitoring the works of the processing unit for production of alkaloids from the Opium Poppy crop through the CPS Method (dated 12.11.2024).
    Tender for appointment of Independent Engineer Tender for Appointment of Independent Engineer for Monitoring the works of the processing unit for production of alkaloids from the Opium Poppy crop through the CPS Method.
    Minutes of pre-bid online meeting for AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine B.P. Minutes of the pre-bid online meeting under the Chairmanship of General Manager (Finance), CCF office, New Delhi held on 21.12.23 at 02:30 p.m  
    RFP for onboarding of a MSP for conducting a GIS Survery Request for Proposal (RFP) for onboarding of a Managed Services Provider (MSP) for conducting GIS Survey & Implementation of GIS Platform for Monitoring of Opium Cultivation in Central Bureau of Narcotics
    Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine B.P. Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine BP stored at GOAW, Neemuch (M.P.) and Ghazipur (U.P.) 
     CORRIGENDUM: Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, ((i) Mode of Payment of Bid Security/ EMD and (ii) Submission of Bid offline) CORRIGENDUM: Tender Setup of production unit for production of concentrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium poppy crop and extractions of semi refined morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis ((i) Mode of Payment of Bid Security/ EMD and(ii) Submission of Bid offline).
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Authority's response to the queries raised during Pre-bid conference. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concentrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium poppy crop and extractions of semi refined morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis (Authority's response to the queries raised during Pre-bid conference).
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Revised dates for bids submission and others. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concentrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium poppy crop and extractions of semi refined morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis (Revised dates for bids submission and others).
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume I: Request for Proposal (RFP),Published Date: 3rd May 2023. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concentrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium poppy crop and extractions of semi refined morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume II: Draft Concession Agreement(DCA),Published Date: 3rd May 2023. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concentrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium poppy crop and extractions of semi refined morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI Tender for auction of 6500 Kgs of Noscapine B.P.

  2. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories,NEW DELHI 28.11.2030

  3. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories,NEW DELHI 27.11.2030

  4. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories,NEW DELHI 29.09.2024

  5. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Factories,NEW DELHI 31.12.2024

  1. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 06.01.2022

    Title Description
    Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine B.P. Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine BP stored at GOAW, Neemuch (M.P.) and Ghazipur (U.P.) 
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(M.P.) Tender regarding 4 MP bullet camera with face detection facility to capture the photo at the time of entering at GOAW, Neemuch, M.P.) 
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(M.P.) Tender for THE SHUTDOWN WORK ON TURNKEY BASIS(Removal of old system and supply, Installation, testing and commissioning (S.I.T.C.) of new system ( AHU, Evaporator, Reactor, Tray Dryers, Vessels, pipelines and etc.) at GOAW, Neemuch, M.P.) 
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(M.P.) Tender for disposal of Hazardous Waste Opium Marc 149.5 MT and ETP Sludge 0.50 MT
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume I: Request for Proposal (RFP),Published Date: 3rd May 2023. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concertrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium puppy crop and extractions of semi refiend morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume II: Draft Concession Agreement(DCA),Published Date: 3rd May 2023. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concertrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium puppy crop and extractions of semi refiend morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(M.P.) Tender for Supply of Phosphoric Acid. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 15.00 hrs on 16.07.2022.
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(M.P.) Tender for Supply of Charcoal Activated. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 15.00 hrs on 02.07.2022.
    Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(Security-Audit) Tender for Supply of Charcoal Activated. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 15.00 hrs on 12.12.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(Bid Document) Tender for Supply of Charcoal Activated. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 15.00 hrs on 16.12.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(Double-Bid Document) The Double Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on 24-02.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(Notice Inviting Tender) The Notice inviting tender will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on 11-03.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Neemuch(Financial Bid) The Notice inviting tender will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on 29-03.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Neemuch Tender for supply and installation of Boiler Chimney and Removal of the existing Old Chimney from Boiler and shifting it to workshop/scrap yards of GOAW, Neemuch.

  2. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2023

  3. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2023

  4. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2023

  5. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2023

  6. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2024

  7. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 15.06.2024

  8. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2024

  9. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2024

  10. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2024

  11. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2024

  12. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2024

  13. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2024

  14. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  15. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  16. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  17. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  18. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  19. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  20. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  21. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  22. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  23. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  24. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  25. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.08.2024

  26. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2024

  27. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2024

  28. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2024

  29. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2024

  30. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  31. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  32. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  33. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  34. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  35. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2024

  36. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  37. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  38. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  39. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  40. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  41. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  42. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  43. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2024

  44. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  45. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  46. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  47. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  48. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  49. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  50. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  51. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  52. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  53. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  54. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  55. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  56. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  57. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  58. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  59. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2024

  60. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 08.02.2024

  61. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 08.02.2024

  62. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 13.02.2024

  63. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.02.2024

  64. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.02.2024

  65. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.02.2024

  66. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.02.2024

  67. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 25.02.2024

  68. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.03.2024

  69. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 10.03.2024

  70. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2025

  71. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  72. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  73. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  74. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  75. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  76. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 19.02.2025

  77. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 22.02.2025

  78. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 22.02.2025

  79. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 27.02.2025

  80. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.03.2025

  81. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.03.2025

  82. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.03.2025

  83. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.03.2025

  84. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.03.2025

  85. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 23.04.2025

  86. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.05.2025

  87. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.05.2025

  88. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.05.2025

  89. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.05.2025

  90. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.05.2025

  91. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 03.06.2025

  92. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  93. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  94. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  95. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  96. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  97. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  98. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  99. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  100. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.06.2025

  101. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.07.2025

  102. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.08.2025

  103. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.08.2025

  104. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  105. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  106. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  107. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  108. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  109. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  110. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  111. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  112. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.09.2025

  113. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  114. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  115. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  116. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  117. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  118. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  119. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  120. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  121. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  122. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  123. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  124. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  125. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  126. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  127. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  128. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.10.2025

  129. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 01.11.2025

  130. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2025

  131. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2025

  132. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2025

  133. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 30.11.2025

  134. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  135. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  136. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  137. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  138. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  139. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  140. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.12.2025

  141. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  142. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  143. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  144. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  145. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  146. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  147. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 31.01.2026

  148. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  149. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  150. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  151. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  152. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  153. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Neemuch(M.P.) 28.02.2026

  1. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 26.11.2024

     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Flooring work of interlocking Paver Blocks near Administrative Block regarding.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Repairing of door shutter ,windows shutter and garages shutter of qtrs. No. 14/II & 18/II colony no.2 and A-5 type 1 & 35/II in sikanderpur colony regarding.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Corrigendum-Purchase of Copper Conductor Cable.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Providing and fixing false ceiling in Administrative Block Building no 52 regarding.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Renovation of Kitchen of Qtr no 28 type II Sikanderpur colony regarding..
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Renovation of the bathroom in the GM’s chamber at GOAW,Ghazipur regarding..
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Supply of Waterproofing Materials .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of Flush Doors and Fly Proof S.S Grade Net .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of LED Flood Lights .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of Submersible Pump .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of M.S. Glass Lined steam jacketed Reaction vessel .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of Lactose IP/ BP .
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of M.S. Bracket (with clamp).
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Replacement of Steam Boiler Tubes.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Supply, installation, testingand commissioning of the Plant & Machinery items for Morphine Sulphate Unit.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for supply of Lactose IP/BP.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Replacement of Steam Boiler Tubes.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Purchase of Corrugated Boxes.
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Plastering and white washing of Building no.- 14 (Alkaloid workshop) at GOAW, Ghazipur
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Purchase of Start Stop Push Button station flame proof and others at GOAW, Ghazipur
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Replacement of old damaged door shutter of 38/II & A5/I sikanderpur & qtrs.No 13/III colony no 2 at GOAW, Ghazipur
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Repairing old & damage doors and shutter in Building No. 4 (Malkhana Section) at GOAW, Ghazipur
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for supply of Water Ring Vacuum Pump at GOAW, Ghazipur  
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Annual Repair of R&D Building at GOAW, Ghazipur  
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Supply of T.M.P.A.C  
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for Purchase of M.S. Bracket (with clamp). 
    Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)  Tender for supply of Polythene Bag, Cap.40Kgs.. 
    Tender- GOAW, Ghazipur  Tender for Plastering, distempering, annual maintenance of Type 3(13-24), Type2(13-24) total 24 Quarters and renovation of kitchen of type II 99 Quarters) in Colony 2 
    Tender- GOAW, Ghazipur  Tender for repairing old & damaged doors, fixing acid proof tiles in Building No. 11 (Alkaloid Store) regarding
    Tender for repair of damaged drains at Sikandarpur Colony, Ghazipur Tender for repair of damaged drains at Sikandarpur colony, Ghazipur.
    Tender for providing and fixing aluminium frame and glass in CISF watchtower 4 & 5 Tender for providing and fixing aluminium frame and glass in CISF watchower 4 & 5.
    Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine B.P. Tender for E-AUCTION for purchasing Noscapine BP stored at GOAW, Neemuch (M.P.) and Ghazipur (U.P.) 
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for A/R of PAO office and repair of roof.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for construction of new shade and edge brick flooring.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for wooden door and aluminium floor gate.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for water proofing of administrative block building.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for renovation of toilet in CISF barrack, GOAW, Ghazipur.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for repairing of door and window
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for repairing of shutter door and window & distempering.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for repairing of the roof of power house (Hall No. 2).
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for repair of roof & wall paitning.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for renovation of damaged kitchen, bathroom & doors.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Digital water Level Recorder (Piezometer).
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for purchase of different types of Medicine.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P)   Tender for Supply of inflammable paper bags.
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P) Tender for Arrangement of hospitality items (food, water etc).
     Tender-GOAW, Ghazipur(U.P) Tender for Arrangement of HD Cameras.
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume I: Request for Proposal (RFP),Published Date: 3rd May 2023.   Tender Setup of production unit for production of concertrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium puppy crop and extractions of semi refiend morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
     Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI,Tender-GOAF, NEW DELHI, Volume II: Draft Concession Agreement(DCA),Published Date: 3rd May 2023. Tender Setup of production unit for production of concertrated poppy straw(CPS) from opium puppy crop and extractions of semi refiend morphine and other alkaloids on PPP basis.
    Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Store & Engineering Section ). The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 06.08.2022.
    Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Replacement of the damaged wooden door of Building No 8. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 06.08.2022.
    Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Fixing the wall and floor tiles in a room Building no 20. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 30.07.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Reparing of old and damaged plaster of the wall of CISF Guard line(Bld No,76) at GOAW, Ghaz. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 06.08.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Anuual repair of Building No 45(A,B&C) at GOAW, Ghazipur. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 06.08.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Annual Repair of Building No-32 (General Canteen near General Store). The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 15.00 hrs on 03.08.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for purchase of DG Set Rediator. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 16.07.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Construction repairng of masonary platform of Building No 8. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 30.07.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Anuual repair of building no 80(Officer Club). The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 30.07.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender for Transportation of Toluene, L.D.O (Light Diesel Oil) and Absolute Alcohol. The Bids will be accepted only online through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app upto 18.00 hrs on 30.07.2022.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) The Office of the General Manger, Government Opium and Alkaloid Works Ghazipur invites Single-Bid online tenders (Financial Bid only) for supply of M.S. Steam Jacketed Chest from manufacturers/distributors or their accredited agents for supply of the under noted stores as per the specifications mentioned in Annexure ‘A’ to this Notice Inviting Tende on 17.02.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) The Office of the General Manager, Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur (located nearly 80 KMs from Varanasi) invites sealed tenders in Single Bid Online tenders (Financial Bid only) for Annual rate contract for Transportation of Absolute Alcohol from the Parties of the under mentioned Annexure-A to this notice Inviting Tender on 17.02.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) The Office of the General Manager, Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur (located nearly 73 KMs from Varanasi) invites online E-tenders in Single Bid (Financial Bid only) from the Parties for the under mentioned work to this notice Inviting Tender on - 20.02.2023.
     Tender-GOAW,Ghazipur(U.P.) Tender the Competent Authority has decided to go for re-tender because only one bid was received for the tender on - 22.02.2023

  2. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 23.09.2023

  3. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 23.09.2023

  4. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  5. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  6. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  7. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  8. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  9. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  10. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 29.09.2023

  11. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 05.10.2023

  12. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 20.10.2023

  13. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 20.10.2023

  14. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 02.02.2024

  15. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 24.07.2024

  16. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 30.09.2025

  17. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 08.11.2024

  18. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 07.11.2024

  19. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 21.10.2025

  20. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 02.11.2024

  21. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 09.11.2024

  22. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 07.11.2024

  23. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 11.11.2024

  24. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 12.11.2024

  25. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 13.11.2024

  26. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 30.11.2025

  27. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 30.11.2025

  28. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 30.11.2025

  29. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 27.11.2024

  30. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 20.11.2024

  31. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 30.11.2024

  32. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 19.12.2024

  33. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 18.12.2024

  34. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 21.12.2024

  35. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 26.12.2024

  36. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 15.01.2025

  37. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 18.01.2025

  38. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 22.01.2025

  39. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 27.01.2025

  40. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 27.01.2025

  41. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 27.01.2025

  42. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 18.02.2025

  43. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 15.02.2025

  44. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 03.03.2025

  45. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 01.03.2025

  46. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 24.02.2025

  47. Govt. Opium & Alkaloid Works, Ghazipur(U.P.) 09.03.2025